Friday, October 16, 2009

Sublime Saturday #4

I'm actually on time this week! I have no kids today and wanted to get my post up before I forgot. Since I'm home alone this weekend I'm choosing this as my prompt:


Do you love those moments alone? Or does solitude drive you crazy while you long for action and excitement? Write a post about Solitude, then leave your link in the comments.

Happy Writing,



mark said...

Great idea, Jane.

And thank you for your kind words on your recent visit reading my poetry.

Jane Doe said...

Here's mine:

Igloo said...

Definitely very poetic and inspiring! Shame you're not doing these any more?

Kitchen worktops guy said...

Here's mine, a poem in which form enacts subject:

A solitary line

Patent Attorney said...

I feel as if solitude is a different experience from time alone, don't you think? Solitude implies a sense of sadness about the situation I feel.