Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Belated Tuesday's Theme #7

Hello dear readers. My apologies for my belated replies to those who have participated or left comments. I have 4 blogs, under two different identities, and I sometimes become overwhelmed and neglect this one. I've thought about deleting this blog as I've had so few participants, but it seems as though I'm starting to gain more so I'll continue with it for now. Thanks to everyone who reads and participates!

To those who are just joining us I am running a contest to find a new name for my Saturday prompt, currently known as Saturday Free For All. I find that name to be rather unimaginative and I'm looking for a new one. You can find the specifics of said contest in this post and the books up for grabs in this post. I have not yet set an end date as I've only had one participant so far, so it will be running indefinitely. As I'm starting to gain more readers I hope that I will have more participants in the contest as well.

Onto Tuesday's Theme...

With Valentine's Day coming up this Saturday I though I'd pick a theme having to do with that. There are plenty of lovey-dovey, fluffy bunny posts out there about love and romance, and as they tend to make me nauseous, I'm heading in a different direction. So, Tuesday's Theme this week is:

Tainted Love

Write your poem, story, blog post, essay or what have you and leave a comment here with a permalink to your post, not a link to your blog in general so we can all check it out.

May inspiration always find you!



Life With Dogs said...

I'm game - for better or for worse :)

Veronica Lee said...

Hi Jane! Happy Valentine's Day!

Secondary Roads said...

It doesn't always last forever:

Carpe Diem. Then enjoy the day.

Anonymous said...

Hi Friend.. Interesting post.. Do visit my blog and post your comments.. Take care mate.. Cheers!!!

The Astral Cowboy said...

Enjoying your writing. Here's a quicky:

Anonymous said...

Hi friend.. Interesting post.. Nice blog work.. keep it up..
will drop by your site often.. Do find time to visit my blog and post your comments..
Have a great day.. Cheers!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi friend.. Interesting post.. Nice blog work.. keep it up..
will drop by your site often.. Do find time to visit my blog and post your comments..
Have a great day.. Cheers!!!